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蔡頭Cyrus: Sundance #3; Ishiguro gives Ikiru a sprinkle of poignancy distinctive in his literary works, and his screenplay successfully transplants this story to 1950s England, a period the director replicates aptly both in its appearance and its texture. However, Living does feel rushed at times and inevitably lives in the shadow of its Japanese counterpart. The first half of the film gives too little time to establish the setting, so while the life of Mr. Williams stands on itself, the final satire on the British bureaucracy comes especially less pointed and even disjointed from the rest of the film. Certain actions also feel out of space and added simply for being faithful to the original film
黄裳裳裳裳:知其然不知其所以然Rider征服王在片中的化身不过是遇到天赐座驾盔甲的近代逃犯这一次没有复杂的时间线跳跃复仇战姬在线观看免费观看完整版就是单线叙事主要故事都发生在一个破败的山村里基于1870年的德莱西绑架事件电影时间改到1900年世纪之交英国旅行者、意大利无政府主义者集体公社、武力夺权、独裁倒台一桩桩一件件的希腊近代史象征性地在小山村轮番推演充满寓言色彩和神秘主义作为主角的亚历山大几乎从不说话存在即是象征仪式化的场景稍微有些偏多整体思想理解起来很有难度 当一个轮回结束小亚历山大奔向城市——迈向现代社会